Startup: A Decision Based on Growth
While the startup seeks to disrupt the market with a scalable and impactful business plan, the small business owner wants to be their boss and secure a place in the local market. One issue that creates confusion among those who want to venture into starting their own business is the definition based on the project’s […]
Exponential Ventures For Global Problems
It is easy to conclude that we live in a bittersweet world; on the one hand, we have fewer global tragedies, but on the other hand, we are destroying the planet with our actions, to the extent that there are already companies that are thinking about how to establish life on another planet. Thirty years […]
Zero Hunger: The Big AgTech Opportunity
People experiencing moderate food insecurity often cannot eat a healthy, balanced diet due to income or other resource constraints. If these trends continue, an estimated 840 million people will be hungry by 2030. A global problem, which the UN has identified as one of the millennium goals, can only be addressed through investments in technology […]
Water: The Liquid Gold
By 2025, an estimated 1.8 billion people will live in areas affected by water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world’s population will live in water-stressed regions due to water use, growth, and climate change. Access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene are the most basic human needs for health and well-being. Still, according to the […]
Why Virtuous Cycles Are Everyone’s Business
Current production and consumption patterns lead to climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, deforestation, water scarcity, food waste, and high carbon emissions. Everything we produce and consume impacts the economy, the environment, and social development; the world’s current production and consumption patterns are the root causes of the triple planetary crisis: climate change, biodiversity loss, and […]
Generating Value Beyond Economics: Impact Venture Funds and Their Contribution to Social Change
Explore the landscape of impact-focused venture funds, a catalyst for meaningful societal and environmental progress, where strategic investments intersect with social good, creating a unique avenue for financial growth intertwined with lasting positive change. In recent years there has been a growing concern about investing in corporate projects with an environmental, social, and governance (ESG) […]